Lindsay Roundtree
Silver Magical Key Advisor/Top 10 Sales 2024
My name is Lindsay Roundtree. I was born and still reside in Thibodaux, Louisiana, with my husband, Brian, our two boys, Lane and Rhett, and our baby girl, Laird. After years of planning magical vacations to Disney World (& Beyond) for myself, family, and friends and being told I should do it “as my job,” Say Magical has helped make that a reality!
It’s hard to say when my passion for travel truly began, but even as a child I remember the excitement of spending a single night at a hotel. That excitement still fuels me today to always be looking and planning our next big adventure. I have years of experience in planning vacations from the Caribbean to Canada and everywhere in between, and now I can help plan yours, too!
Disney World itself holds a special place in my heart for several reasons. It’s where my mom chose for us to go as a family for her last trip before she passed on, where my dad took us when he wanted one last surprise trip before all his children started getting married and moved on, where my husband and I spent our second anniversary before having kids because we knew we’d always feel guilty if we ever went back without them, and where we chose to take our children on their first big vacations, because nothing is more wondrous than reliving the Disney magic all over again through the eyes of your child! I cry every time we leave because, let’s face it, it really is “The Most Magical Place on Earth!”
Whether it’s a family vacation to all destinations Disney, a bluebird ski week in the mountains, a dreamy sailing trip aboard a catamaran, a long weekend in NYC, a luxurious all inclusive island retreat, or anywhere else you can dream up, let me help you create memories around the world!
And best of all, my services are no cost to you!