A new, unique show is making its way to Disney’s Hollywood Studios® on March 31, 2019, starring characters from Cars. It takes place in a new theater, modeled after Lightning McQueen’s training equipment from Cars 3.
Guests are going to be joined as other characters from the film franchise as they attempt to help Lightning through some unexpected twists and turns.
It’s a bit of a different show than the usual live or three dimensional experiences from Disney, but certainly a welcome addition to a park that is seeing a lot of new content in 2019. Part of what makes the show so exciting is its timing, as Mickey and Minnie’s Runaway Railway and Star Wars: Galaxy’s Edge both have pending release dates.
It’s the beginning of the next phase for the park, and one that’s certainly worth getting excited about.
Header image is of the star of Disney’s Hollywood Studios’® newest show, located in Disney’s Art of Animation Resort. ©Disney.